Saturday, August 30, 2008

AGAIN I am in the AU libsky

OKAY PEOPLE- we STILL do not have internet at our house because the girl RENE downstairs decided to run off to NYC. I dont understand how someone could be so irresponsible when it comes to the internet- I mean she is only a couple of years older and feels the same attachment to the world of cyberspace! I am soo pissed!

Anyways, because the our wonderful neighb is enjoying the big apple (hopefully chocking on it)- we are stuck to talking to walls and ourselves. No normal college student should feel this pain!!! Besides, I could not order books online, and I did not want to order books at the AU LIBRARY in a public domain...SO I had to buy them at the bookstore- for five of my books( and 273827 more to go), it cost me $167.74- and the freaking bookstore does not provide the service of CASH BACK!
GO AU!!!!!

ok so a little blurb about the bookstore- which just truly attracts QUALITY people
A freshman angrily approached me to tell me that me wearing a UVA t-shirt in the AU bookstore is disrespectful.
Okay, so it started by her asking me if i went to UVA, and under normal circumstances i would lie and say YES- but i said NO i go to AU- then it all started- her mini speech about how its strange that i am in the AU bookstore and not supporting

quite frankly- we should drop the eagle as our mascot and fucking hire her if she loves AU that much!

So another thing- I bought and AU sticker for my car and I have soo much reading to do- and I am blogging

I need ...
an internship
a desk
and $$$$ to party big my semes in WORLD's CAPITAL!

i LOVE my roomies

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