Saturday, August 30, 2008

AGAIN I am in the AU libsky

OKAY PEOPLE- we STILL do not have internet at our house because the girl RENE downstairs decided to run off to NYC. I dont understand how someone could be so irresponsible when it comes to the internet- I mean she is only a couple of years older and feels the same attachment to the world of cyberspace! I am soo pissed!

Anyways, because the our wonderful neighb is enjoying the big apple (hopefully chocking on it)- we are stuck to talking to walls and ourselves. No normal college student should feel this pain!!! Besides, I could not order books online, and I did not want to order books at the AU LIBRARY in a public domain...SO I had to buy them at the bookstore- for five of my books( and 273827 more to go), it cost me $167.74- and the freaking bookstore does not provide the service of CASH BACK!
GO AU!!!!!

ok so a little blurb about the bookstore- which just truly attracts QUALITY people
A freshman angrily approached me to tell me that me wearing a UVA t-shirt in the AU bookstore is disrespectful.
Okay, so it started by her asking me if i went to UVA, and under normal circumstances i would lie and say YES- but i said NO i go to AU- then it all started- her mini speech about how its strange that i am in the AU bookstore and not supporting

quite frankly- we should drop the eagle as our mascot and fucking hire her if she loves AU that much!

So another thing- I bought and AU sticker for my car and I have soo much reading to do- and I am blogging

I need ...
an internship
a desk
and $$$$ to party big my semes in WORLD's CAPITAL!

i LOVE my roomies

Friday, August 29, 2008

First Couple of Days!


So we have had our first couple of days in the new apartments...
A few observations...
1. there are many centipedes
2. the kitchen floors are not supposed to be black
3. there was a rumble last night 8/29 (approx 1:14 am ) involving the entire DC police
force of spring valley/tenleytown and two hispanic bicyclist. In the end, nothing happened, except that there were 8 cop cars all down wisconsin RIGHT in front our APT. Also, they told Sharon to walk around when in fact she lived right in front of the crime scene.
4. The blinds fell of in my room
5. we bought a microwave that was ALSO dirty!
6. The internet does not work because our downstairs neighbs FORGOT THE PASSWORD?!?!
7. The living room is a mess.
8. Baby tina's room is designed for little people.
9. John, the landlord is a gay republican- go figure?!?!?
Thats it for now!

Ps. we are having a house warming soon!
3419 Wisconsin.